He is resurrected, in a manner of speaking, only to find that he has survived at a great cost: So much of him has been replaced by cybernetics that he constantly questions if he’s even human any more. On a normal day, he’d be dead, but Jensen works for Sarif. As head of security, Jensen intervenes, only to be beaten, shot and thrown clean through six-inches of glass. After a tour of the Sarif manufacturing floor with his ex-flame, the lead bio-technician, Megan Reed, Jensen’s life is altered forever when augmented terrorists storm the building, and either murder or abduct the researchers and scientists. ICARUS RISING: Protagonist Adam Jensen is rudely reborn to this middle ground as the game begins. Between those who see augmentation as the next – albeit artificial – stage of human evolution, and those who see it as an abomination against nature and humanity, there exists only a precarious, volatile middle ground occupied by those who never had the choice, accident victims who were “saved by science”, individuals augmented to preserve their lives at the perceived cost of their humanity. Even the UN keep peace with the help of Belltower Associates, a collective of PMCs that specialise in “urban pacification” and brutal crowd control.Ĭorporate tensions overshadow civilian unrest. In Deus Ex’s world, business is war, and both Sarif and Tai Yung employ their own private military companies to ensure their global stability. Sarif Industries sits atop the pile, fighting off competition from Tai Yung Medical, their closest rival. When money is God, whoever writes the biggest cheque sits on the throne, and the biggest business in the world is augmentation. In this world – which shares themes and ideals with the universe of Bullfrog’s (and now EA’s) Syndicate – corporations rule.

In Human Revolution’s dystopian 2027, the controversial science of human cybernetic augmentation makes it possible to “fix” anything you need to fix and enhance anything you want to – whether it needs it or not. RETRO FUTURE: Consider, if you will, the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Eidos Montreal’s gold-tinted prequel to Ion Storm’s now thirteen-year-old open-world role-playing shooter, Deus Ex. What would you change about yourself if you could? If money was no object and technology no boundary? Would you enhance your muscle mass? Increase your running speed, sexual prowess, physical strength? Would you sacrifice your flesh for mechanical enhancements? And would you ever worry, even for a moment, that in doing so you might be sacrificing your humanity a piece at a time? Imagine a world where you could lose the use of your legs, your eyesight, your hearing, and have anything replaced or repaired with a modicum of effort, with a procedure no more complicated than a surgical operation. Imagine a world without physical limitations, a world where you can change anything about yourself, enhance it, improve it, augment it a world where you could pay to make yourself stronger, faster, smarter, more resilient.